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Dining Out With Rice

Whether diners are looking to try something new and adventurous or just satisfy the craving for something familiar and comfortable, the good news is that 75% of diners eat a rice dish at least once a month. Not all diners are alike so many will look for rice more frequently when it comes to certain cuisines and dishes.  When families choose to dine out, 60% are eating rice dishes several times a month with nearly 30% of families saying they are eating more rice dishes now than they did the previous year.  Surprisingly, foodies are eating rice at a lower rate than families when dining out, with just over 50% eating rice dishes several times a month. Within the foodie group, 70% say they are eating the same amount of rice dishes as they did last year while 20% are eating more. With foodies, staying relevant is about keeping your menu options fresh and exciting.  Only 35% of older, routine diners eat rice dishes several times a month. This group is holding steady in their dining habits with 80% eating the same amount of rice as they did last year. A small amount, less than 10%, are eating more. 

Keep an eye on these trends. It could spell out opportunities to create bold, new menu options to excite and attract new diners while still satisfying the appetites of your tried and true regulars. To delve deeper into the breakdown of how much and how often diners are eating rice and what that means for your business, contact your Riceland sales representative or reach out to our sales team.